Yakima SolidWorks User Group (YSWUG) Website
Yakima, WA - USA
Winter Meeting 2013
Information and links for the meeting on 
Thursday February 28, 2013

Below are the topics discussed and links to various resources regarding our recent Yakima SolidWorks Users Group Meeting. 

We had a fun meeting recently with about 20 people in attendance including a few of CWU's students to hear Michael Steeves presentation on Import/Export Healing, 2D to 3D and back to 2D.  His presentation was named “Does your Model Hold Water?”.  We also heard from Matt Sordillo from the Rapid Group present on the new Solid Quote SolidWorks add-in.  Chris Scarlett also presented some information on the fun and excitement from SolidWorks World 2013.

Presentation: Matt Sordillo from the Rapid Group talked to us about the new SolidQuote, SolidWorks Add In from Rapid Sheet Metal.  You see all the fun and can get started at: https://www.esheetmetal.com.

Presentation: Michael Steeves, Senior Application Engineer and CSWE from Quest Integration presented on Import/Export Healing, 2D to 3D and back to 2D.  A link to his presentation can be found at: “Does your Model Hold Water?”

Presentation:  As a follow-up to the presentation on the fun and excitement from SolidWorks World 2013 I have included a few links of some items that you may find interesting including videos and a slide show.  Some highlights that I think that were really interesting include a video on the new Mcor Iris 3D printer1, Mcor Iris 3D printer2 (that uses printer paper as a medium), Festo’s SmartBird, Vijay Kumar hoovering robots, Model Mania 2013.  I also discussed a Wired Magazine article on the patent restrictions that are influencing and inhibiting the development of 3D printers "How Big Business is Stymieing Makers’ High-Res, Colorful Innovations"

Below are some images of the happenings at our meeting and following that images from SolidWorks World that were presented at the meeting.

Michael Steeve presents on "Does your Model Hole Water?"

Michael Steeves, Charles Swank and Jeff Abramson tell jokes after the meeting.

SolidWorks World 2013 Images

 Lining up waiting for the buses heading to Universal Studios

Remember that the Rapid Group sponsored our this meeting.

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