Yakima SolidWorks User Group (YSWUG) Website
Yakima, WA - USA
Summer Meeting 2013
Information and links for the meeting on 
Thursday August 7, 2013

Below are the topics discussed and links to various resources regarding our recent Yakima SolidWorks Users Group Meeting. 

We had a fun meeting recently with about 20 people in attendance to hear Rich Welch, Vice President of Worldwide Customer Service for SolidWorks give a presentation on the business and customer service side of SolidWorks including the company's ongoing and new products, enhancements and services.  Rich wanted to reiterate his desire to stay in touch with the SolidWorks community and suggested that you contact him with any problems, suggestions and feedback at his email or by phone:  richard.welch@3ds.com 781-810-5202.  He was followed by our Users Group leader Richard Doyle, who presented his ever popular “‘A Bunch of Stuff’ – SolidWorks Tips and Tricks”.  Sub sandwiches and pop were served for dinner. 

Below are some images and videos of the happenings at our meeting.

Rich Welch answers some questions from our users group after his presentation on the business and customer service side of SolidWorks.

Richard Doyle gives us his presentation on "A Bunch of Stuff, SolidWorks Tips and Tricks"


Below is a YouTube link to a video where Richard Doyle explains some menu short cuts in SolidWorks 2013 during his presentation on "A Bunch of Stuff, SolidWorks Tips and Tricks". 

Below is another YouTube link to a video where Richard Doyle talks about various new and old keyboard shortcuts in his presentation on "A Bunch of Stuff, SolidWorks Tips and Tricks".