Yakima SolidWorks User Group (YSWUG) Website
Yakima, WA - USA
Fall Meeting 2013
Information and links for the meeting on 
Thursday November 7, 2013

Below are the topics discussed and links to various resources regarding our recent Yakima SolidWorks Users Group Meeting. 

We had an energetic and informative meeting last week with about 18 people in attendance to hear Rhyc Sandberg and Neil Custard present.  Rhyc from the Portland office of Hawk Ridge Systems gave us a condensed version of his "Whats New in 2014" showing us the best of the best in the latest release of SolidWorks.  Neil Custard then presented his "SolidWorks Tips You Need to Know 2.0”, “Covering Parts, Assemblies, Drawings and Misc. Tools That Should Be Used But Do Not Get Used Enough”.  In the format of a Jeopardy game show we chose from various categories including Parts, Assemblies, Drawings and Potpourri.  Pizza, chips, licorice and pop were served for dinner. 

Below are some images and videos of the happenings at our meeting.

Rhyc Sandberg gives us his "Whats New in 2014" showing us how to substitute a sketched spline for the new spline feature which will be much quicker while also reducing rebuild errors.

Neil Custard starts his presentation with a Jeopardy style selection matrix compelling group participation.

Neil demonstrates how to copy features from section of a part to another while reducing the time needed to repair rebuild errors.

This is a YouTube link to a video where Neil Custard describes how to use a feature option with different end conditions. 

This is a YouTube link to a video where Neil Custard describes how to create an isometric section view in a drawing with out using a configuration. 

This is a YouTube link to a video where Neil Custard describes how to use the Insert Part option to create a new part & features. 

Below is a YouTube link to a video where Neil Custard describes how to createa rectangular helix for a spring, Part 2.  He also describes how to fit a spline to a series of arcs and line sketch elements.
This is a YouTube link to a video where Neil Custard describes how to createa rectangular helix for a spring, Part 1. 

This is a YouTube link to a video where Neil Custard describes how to use the Flex Tool on a split part like a cotter pin. 

This is a YouTube link to a video where Neil Custard describes how to use the Derived Sketch and Modify Sketch Tools to achieve various effects. 

Remember that the Rapid Group sponsored this meeting.

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