Yakima SolidWorks User Group (YSWUG) Website
Yakima, WA - USA
 -  CLOSED  -
for now
future meetings? contact Randy Franklund
Click on the following links:

Job Openings
Our Next Meeting
Future Meetings
The Community Forum
Group Information
Links with Information from Past Meetings
Links to our Sponsors

YSWUG News (updated Wednesday 02/27/19):  Back to the Top

Job Openings: None at this time - please check back.

Meeting Follow Up:  Great meeting at the Yakima Maker Space last night for the third annual SLUGME event with 8 people in attendance – we wish there were more.  As expected - Neil Custard provided a great presentation on various tips and tricks and details related to Fillets – Shells – drawings and more. 

Click here for additional information on this meeting.

Thinking about future meetings,  If you want to present to the group on any technical topic related to SolidWorks please let us know, we would love to have you.  Please contact Chris Scarlett.

Upcoming Events

Winter Meeting 2019:  Wednesday March 20th SolidWorks Certifications and Technical Skills

The next Yakima SolidWorks User Group meeting will be hosted at the Yakima Maker Space on Wednesday March 20th. 

We are proud to be welcoming Mike Puckett, the Senior Manager of the Worldwide Technical Certification Program for SOLIDOWRKS, and Tony Glockler, the Co-Founder and CEO of SolidProfessor, for another one of our Northwest Technical Tours.

Look forward to an interactive experience with Mike Puckett and Tony Glockler that's guaranteed to get everyone present excited and involved in preparing for SOLIDWORKS learning and certification!

  • SWUG Meeting at Yakima Maker Space
  • Wednesday March 20th
  • Refreshments start at 5:30 PM & presentations begin at 6:00 PM. 
  • Prize Raffle at 8:00 PM

Look for additional information in the coming weeks.

Randy Franklund, Hector Reyes, and Chris Scarlett - your YSWUG team

FUTURE MEETINGS:                                                                Back to the Top

Upcoming Meetings: Stay Tuned!

Hosting Future Meetings:  If your firm is willing to host and give us tour of your facilities that would be most welcome.  Please let me know if you can help here by emailing Chris Scarlett.  One additional advantage to hosting is that it provides some additional funds (that would normally go to renting a room) that we can use to serve a more interesting and compelling dinner fare.

PRESENTERS: If you have a suggestion on a speaker or topic for any meeting or if you would like to present, please contact Chris Scarlett.

    Chris Scarlett, Hector Reyes, Randy Franklund - your YSWUG Team.


Group Information          Back to the Top
Map, to Maker Space in Yakima Suites below, click on the image below for a link to Google Maps 


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Please visit and support our sponsors below!

Proven Software that is Flexible & Scalable
DriveWorks software is used for Design Automation and Sales Configuration by companies large and small


Rapid Prototyping & Custom MFG Parts - 
Laser & Waterjet Cutting Multi Jet Fusion Stereolithography Selective Laser Sintering Fused Deposition Modeling PolyJet Direct Metal Laser Sintering and more...

Manufacturers of 3D mice, "It's like holding the 3D model in your hand" 3D Connexion, SpacePilot Pro, SpaceMouse Pro, SpaceExplorer USB , SpaceNavigator for Notebooks, SpaceNavigator.

This website is copyrighted all rights reserved.
Designed and maintained by Chris Scarlett, e-d-and-i.com