Student Handouts
Click on the following handout titles to download.
Week 1
Model Area layout terminology-1
jpeg image from an SDC textbook.
Week 1
Model Area layout terminology-2
jpeg image from an SDC textbook.
Weeks 3&4
Word 97-2003 format.
Step by step instructions on how to build a virtual pencil
Week 5
Connection Block
Word 97-2003 format.
Step by step instructions on how to build a copper Connection Block
Weeks 5,6&7
Connection Block
PDF format.
Step by step instructions on how to insert the Connection Block into a drawing
Weeks 7&8
The Chair
PDF format.
Step by step instructions on how to build a chair.  Student design variations are encouraged.

The Tire
PDF format.
Step by step instructions on how to build a Tire using the Revolved Boss/Base Feature.

The Wheel
PDF format.
Step by step instructions on how to build a Wheel using the Revolved Boss/Base Feature.

Week 1
The Wheel Mount
PDF format.
Step by step instructions on how to build a Wheelmount and axle using the Extrude Boss/Base and Revolved Boss/Base Features.
Week 3
Tire Treads and Wheel Flames
PDF format.
Step by step instructions on how to add additional treads to the Tire and a flame design to your wheel using Splines.

Front and Rear Suspension Items
PDF format.
Step by step instructions on how to make a simple model resembling the front and rear suspension items for our Go Cart 

Week 5
Wheel Mount Assembly, Front and Rear
PDF format.
Step by step instructions on how to assemble our wheel components together into distinct assemblies
The Mercy Building Mercy Building Images
JPG images in a webpage.
For use in building your models.
Mercy Building Floor and Exterior Walls
PDF format.
Step by step instructions on how to start your Mercy Building Model.