
YSWUG Spring Meeting Follow Up

Spring Meeting:
Our Spring meeting a few weeks ago at CWU was real fun, thanks to everyone that attended. Our modeling contest, organized by Jeff Abramson, had two winning teams. Students James Tschirhart and Chris Wartella captured first place choosing the 2 SpaceNavigator 3D mice prizes generously donated by 3D Connexion. Our second place winning team, Garret Griffith (Provel, Inc. and student) and Brandon Bates (US Castings and student) chose a SolidWorks backpack and a $25 gas card (donated by the Rapid Group). After the contest Clem See gave a presentation on 3D Sketching in weldments and in other applications. For details on the meeting including the PowerPoint file, videos and images please visit our website at: YSWUG. For everyone who made the long drive I believe it was a very worthwhile venture.

Upcoming Summer meeting:
Date and Day: This is usually scheduled for mid-August (but can be scheduled it in early September if folks will be on vacation). The day is also flexible (we have done both Wednesdays and Thursdays). How about we shoot for Thursday August 23, 6 to 8pm unless I hear suggestions otherwise.
Topics: According to our recent survey of topic choices Design Tables and Configurations or Bills of Materials are high on the list. Andrew Brauer and I were discussing giving a presentation on either subject and Silas Curfman is also interested in sharing his insights into Design Tables. As Andrew suggested, these are very broad subjects and if we focused on some specific need or problem that would be helpful. So please let us know what subject out of the 2 choices Design Tables and Configurations or Bills of Materials that you want to see a presentation on and if you have a particular need or problem on that subject or just want a general overview. Another option is to send me a file that you may be having difficulty with or that you wish could do more than it is currently doing for you. We can then use that, or something similar to it, in our presentation.
Place: To be determined. Having a meeting at a restaurant with a meeting room would be a welcome change. A meeting room will have to have a projector and screen. For participants who know Yakima better than I, please let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas (Olive Garden, Round Table Pizza, El Porton, others…). John Walden also suggested YVCC but dinner may be hard to do.

Other news:
Website has been updated with information from our Spring meeting. Also Silas Curfman sent in a pdf document on a step by step approach to putting together a “ …Multi-Body Sheet Metal Part / Table Driven Design”. I also added some links to my Instructional Videos that I have made for my classes over the past year and uploaded to YouTube. You can find all of these items at our YSWUG website. If you have something to share please send it my way and I will post it on the website.

Please respond to this email with your summer meeting date and day preference, topic choice and restaurant suggestions.

Chris Scarlett and the YSWUG board

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