3DEXPERIENCE World 2020 – Coming Up, February 9-12 at Music City Center in Nashville, Tenn
3DEXPERIENCE World 2020 – Coming Up, February 9-12 at Music City Center in Nashville, Tenn…
3DEXPERIENCE World 2020 – Coming Up, February 9-12 at Music City Center in Nashville, Tenn…
YSWUG Meeting Weds. March 20th – with SolidWork’s Mike Puckett and Solid Professor’s Tony Tony Glockler providing a fun and interactive presentation…
SolidWorks World 2019 – February 10th through the 13th at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas…
YSWUG Meeting Weds. Nov 7th – xDesign – as presented by Jenn Doerksen of SolidWorks and Eric Beatty…
YSWUG Meeting April 25th – Paul Parise – A Well-Regarded SolidWorks Guru Presenting…
SolidWorks World 2018 Presentation on: “Applying Weldment Tools for a Bolted Structure” – February 4th through the 7th at the Los Angeles Convention Center…
The November 15th meeting will feature a SWUG network webinar called SLUGME event (SolidWorks Largest Users Group Meeting Ever)…
Presentation at the annual Quest Integration – Tech Days coming up on Monday and Tuesday June 5th and 6th. Chris Scarlett will present his SWW2017 presentation…
Visit with Michael Steeves on his “Model Mania LIVE” and Chris Scarlett with his SWW2017 presentation “Applying Weldments to a Bolted Structure” Tuesday March 21st…
Here’s the scoop on SolidWorks World 2017 in Los Angeles:
First of all, everything is relaxed at SWW and the attire is casual (unless you want to impress some people). The first thing you need to do is go to the registration booth and sign in, then you’ll be given your welcome package including your SWW2017 souvenir t-shirt. The welcome package also contains your event name badge and lanyard, a program guide for the conference, a cool SW backpack (unique every year), a bunch of partner pavilion related brochures and coupons along with your SWW2017 souvenir t-shirt…